Category Archives: 403(b) Crunch Time Series

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Giller and Calhoun launch new blog, the Business of Benefits

We welcome a new blog to the employee benefit blogging community. It’s the Business of Benefits, the focus of which is issues facing insurance companies, financial service providers, and plan sponsors. It’s being published by the law firm of Giller & Calhoun. The named partners are Evan Giller in New York City and Monica Dunn Calhoun, Denver. Bob Toth in Ft. Wayne, Indiana … Continue Reading

403(b) Crunch Time Series #6: Timing of Depositing Employee Contributions

This is the sixth in our 403(b) Crunch Time Series, the purpose of which is to help 403(b) plans get ready for the January 1, 2009 compliance deadline for the new Internal Revenue Service regulations. On Monday, Bob Toth , our guest blogger, discussed 403(b) Service Agreements: “Harmonizing” the 403(b) Plan. Now it’s my turn, … Continue Reading

403(b) Crunch Time Series, #4: The Change in 403(b) Universal Availability

This is the fourth in our 403(b) Crunch Time Series, the purpose of which is to help 403(b) plans get ready for the January 1, 2009 compliance deadline for the new Internal Revenue Service regulations. On Monday, Bob Toth , our guest blogger, wrote about Terminating Tax Deferred Annuity Plans. Now it’s my turn, and … Continue Reading

403(b) Crunch Time Series #2: Complying With The 403(b) Contribution Limits

This is the second post in our 403(b) Crunch Time Series, the purpose of which is to help 403(b) plans get ready for the January 1, 2009 compliance deadline for the new Internal Revenue Service regulations. On Tuesday, Bob Toth , our guest blogger, wrote about Avoiding Problems with Custodial Accounts. Now it’s my turn, … Continue Reading

403(b) Crunch Time Series #1: Avoiding Problems With 403(b) Custodial Accounts

Yesterday, I introduced our forthcoming 403(b) Crunch Time Series. It will be geared towards helping 403(b) plans get ready for the January 1, 2009 compliance deadline for the new Internal Revenue Service regulations. During this series, I’ll be joined by Bob Toth as a guest blogger. Bob, a Partner in the Baker & Daniels law firm, has … Continue Reading