Category Archives: SECURE 2.0

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SECURE 2.0: The Most Significant Retirement Legislation Since the Revenue Act of 1978

Here’s why we think so. Since the passage of ERISA in 1974, retirement plan legislation has been a series of technical and tax-related changes. The Revenue Act of 1978 started out the same way with its focus on: Sometimes during the legislative process an unrelated provision is added to the law. That’s what happened here. … Continue Reading

When your SIMPLE-IRA no longer fits, maybe it’s time for a 401(k) plan…and November 2 is almost here

Kids will outgrow their clothes. Sometimes that happens with retirement plans. If you have a SIMPLE IRA, it may have fit in the beginning. But if you want to change to a 401(k) plan in 2024, you need to take action by November 2. That’s the date that employers must provide notice to their employees … Continue Reading

Rethinking 401(k) Plan Success: The power of deferral rates

From the beginning of 401(k) plans, the retirement industry has focused on the performance of individual funds as the key driver of retirement readiness. But a study by the Putnam Institute in 2006 and repeated in 2012 concluded that increasing deferral rates have the greatest potential impact on a 401(k) participant’s account balance at retirement … Continue Reading