Tag Archives: Social Security

The 2% Social Security tax cut: spend, pay down debt, or contribute to 401(k) plan?

That 2% cut in Social Security taxes (from 6.2% to 4.2%) was supposed to stimulate the economy. But according to Martin Crutsinger’s and David Pitt’s recent article on Blomberg BusinessWeek, the tax cut has little impact on the economy in January. Consumers increased spending by only 0.2% in January, the smallest increase since last June. … Continue Reading

Save Your Retirement: What to Do If You Haven’t Saved Enough or If Your Investments Were Devastated by the Market Meltdown (Book Review)

The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), an independent non-partisan research organization, in their annual Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS) has been asking workers how confident they are in having enough money for a comfortable retirement since 1993. And in today’s economy, it should be no surprise that EBRI reported The 2009 Retirement Confidence Survey: Economy Drives … Continue Reading

2010 retirement plan limits unchanged but have future implications

Most annual retirement plan limits are indexed to inflation; and because of the decline in the Cost of Living Index in 2009, many of the limits remained unchanged for 2010. Following are the key retirement plan limits for 2010 as announced by the Internal Revenue Service. 401(k) and 403(b) Deferrals: $16,500. Catch-Up Limit (Age 50 … Continue Reading

What Americans want from a retirement plan

With a new Administration and a new Congress about to take over, we’re going to start to see the think tanks and not-for-profit organizations issuing research and recommendations regarding public policy for retirement plans. One of those organizations is the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), a not-for-profit organization whose stated mission is to “encourage the development of public … Continue Reading

Taking Social Security benefits: now or later?

A while back I wrote that there’s been a Social Security "early bird special" taken by most married men. Recent experience has been that approximately 50% of those eligible for taking Social Security at age 62, the earliest possible age do so. The financial implications can be huge. If you’re a married man and have been … Continue Reading

Getting ready for the first wave of Baby Boomers reaching retirement age: the Social Security Administration’s big challenge

Over the last several years, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has been faced with staffing reductions and an increased demand for services challenging its field offices to manage work while continuing to deliver quality customer service.  Now consider that the first wave of approximately 80 million baby boomers is reaching the age of retirement eligibility, … Continue Reading

Now they see it, now they don’t: The Social Security beneficiaries who had over $177.7 million (and still counting) in benefits garnished by banks for third party creditors

Lost in the ocean of billions of dollars from the recent financial scandals and disasters has been the illegal practice of banks garnishing Social Security and disability payments for third party creditors. Social Security beneficiaries have had the above-mentioned $171.4 million taken from their account that received direct deposits, plus $6.3 million more from accounts … Continue Reading