SIMPLEs were designed by Congress in 1996 to make it, well simple, for employers with fewer than 100 employees to establish tax-advantaged retirement plans for their employees. Hence, the legislative branding naming the new law the Savings Investment Match Plan for Employees to make the acronym, SIMPLE. It’s a special type of IRA and adopted … Continue Reading
Defined benefit plans may have markedly declined (44% since 1975 according to the Department of Labor), but they haven’t become any more understandable to employers. Indeed, the IRS continues to find the same type of mistakes during audit examinations. Here are the ones that made the IRS Top Ten list:… Continue Reading
If you’re in the retirement plan business, you’ve heard the term “audit roulette”. It refers to the belief by some employers that the odds of their retirement plan getting audited by the IRS are in their favor. Well, those odds are getting worse. The IRS is taking technology to the next level using “data driven … Continue Reading