Category Archives: Individual Retirement Accounts

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The 2006 retirement plan year in review: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Just like Sergio Leone’s classic 1966 movie, 2006 will indeed be memorable. And so with apologies to Mr. Leone and Clint Eastwood, here are my 2006 choices for the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Pensionland: The Good: The passage of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA). The new law makes significant changes … Continue Reading

Investment regulatory agencies concerned about dangers to 401(k) participants

A few months ago, I wrote about promoters fishing for retirement plan dollars. I talked about the call of early retirement for the Boomers and retirement plan provisions that permit in-service distributions – all factors that are apparently attracting promoters to get at that cash. The NASD concerned about this danger to retirement plan participants … Continue Reading

IRA is not a kid anymore

From its humble beginning in 1974 as part of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of (ERISA), the Individual Retirement Account along with cousins Roth, SEP, and SIMPLE, has grown up. It’s now an increasingly important investment vehicle for retirement savings and tax planning. And it will become even more so as the Boomers start … Continue Reading